Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 5:10 PM
I'm Hotter than u
Ok lemi go through My Self-Destructive Mind of mine.

Ive gota be cautious or it might just detonate, every move is deadly,

one wrong move and my mind goes *KaBOOM* LOL

Ok lately ive been behavin strangely as in i would read 36page of the slash book

and feel Super Super Overly Hot. i mean HOT yea cant u feel it?

whenever you perspire,feel feverish or have an urge to turn on the Fan or

aircorndition, Rmb itz just my presence. you just have to get used to it.

My Total Random Hotness will Melt yr Brains, Burn yr pants and sizzle

yr fats!

OK 2nd-ly my brain is going to malfunction. i read 36pages of THAT

wonderfully fabulouso Slash book, and today i forced myself to laugh

while strapin my bag geeky high, Nerd specs on while on my way for remedial

a random nerd! i still remember the looks on Farain and Fila's faces haha i gota

say im quite impressive ya know ive struck them with my Nerd Hotness.

Itz been 2yrs Since i used the Forced laugh which sounds totally ku-ku

and HOT haha itz funny though. but it comes with a price to pay, which is

my voice i mean il have sore throat for the next, like 4-6hours? but all that

excruciating pain that i go through is all for the sake of my Hotness. i mean

People cant resist me but to orbit around me yea....like the solar system

and Im the Sun yea im 6,000°C.

Monday, July 28, 2008 @ 7:31 PM
The Orange Sunset

Picture speaks a thousand words! itz called

the Orange sunset and Sleepy Elizer.

Saturday, July 26, 2008 @ 10:16 AM
Be Yourself day
Ok Sumtin Random which happened on Dress Out Day
(It Was Chinese Period and we were made to watch some touching doggie show
which i found it lame though)

Mr Guo was wearing a Hush Puppies polo-tee
Jordon: Eh.....Hush Puppies! My Undies..(lift up my shirt to double cheek)
(Elizer and Nicholas were laughing)
(Elizer lift up his Shirt too)
Elizer: Eh....Same, Me too!!
Nicholas: ....
Jordon: Wads Yrs!(i was juz random at that moment)
Nicholas: (ass turns to my face) Help Me cheek
Jordon and Elizer: Ehhehe
Jordon: We are HUSH PUPPIERS!
Elizer:(laughin like a Mad scientist)
[At the End of the Period]
Jordon: 嘿老师! 我们的内衣是品牌和您的衬衣一样!/
hey teacher! our undeies is the same brand as your shirt!
Gou JIJI: (Gives me that wierd Gayish look)

After school, ive got no where to head to! and that Nicholas Pang seh me

haha so but still got the rest of e student leaders to hang out with and yea,

we played half captain/scoccer haha untill mdm tan came and ruine the fun


Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 8:00 PM
humanities challenge
OK finally i hooked up enough time to blog sumtin on man!

haha Well today we had sum humanites challenge. i gota say

itz so peassy easy man i mean u want us to run within school compound

and i gota say that that, even a child can do.

Ive uploaded a new song. be sure to cheek it out

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 @ 7:38 PM
Day 2 of Perth's board do-up
Well as of today, im left school at arnd 6.45 AGAIN

Argh...Bz with perth's project board well i gota admit that

this proved much more challenging than what i thought.

well this have may have my limits when im workin with

people who are simply fucked up. well im not going to be

possitive in this post for any shit reasons....I juz wana

LEAVE Bedok Town Sec man! i juz find that this

shitty school is hard to socialise man. Getting your current

friend to accept you for who u are is hard, needless to say

finding good friends there is EVEN harder. What a Shitty

life God has bestowed over me and dun come to me trying

to change my life saying that im Good...yea for Shit reasons

thatz wad hypocrites totally think. Dun say that im emotional

but thatz wad my hormones make me think....and i dun

even fantasise abt such stuff. Im feel like Heaven is 1000miles

away while hell is juz at my doorstep.

[Whateva u read here, plz keep it to yrself i dun need u to come
to me trying to help me. In fact u juz make life difficult for
me and stop laughing at me hysterically behind my back]

Monday, July 21, 2008 @ 7:31 PM
Oh man, This is the 1st time ive ever return home so late

school. as you know, im not your type of guy to hang out til dusk

well at least i know i did my part since i wasnt present in the afternoon

coz ive got remedial and CCA haha im startin to think that Wushu Rox

coz Coach bought punchin pads haha so well at least i know i have sumtin

to vent my fustration of the week on.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008 @ 6:40 PM
Fuck Elizer
Well I gota say Eliezer is 1 helluva SOAB!

Wat the Fuck is wrong with him? The Moment have a sight of me,

he will come over to me and start mocking me of my Pimple.

i mean therz nothing wrong with him laughing at me pimple

as itz quite common for us asses like us to tease each other once in awhile

BUT He is super duper Overdoing it....though i may be your typical guy

who doesn't flair up dispite being pissed for i am Gracious for Fucked

up dudes to piss me off, but that doesn't give him the authority to

mock at me to this extent. last week i got called a nerd coz of my

intellectual i dun mind but therz a limit for everything. I hope

he is reading this so that he will Jolly well know how fucked up

his friends are around him are of him coz of his Corkish crap!

Sunday, July 13, 2008 @ 12:32 PM
Pile of homework
OK itz Sunday and IM NOT IN CHURCH!!!

Im stuck at home sitting in front of my laptop, next to my Sky high

pile of homework which is waiting for me to complete! I cant believe
juz coz of these homework i cant go out !!!
I realize that im starting to get quite apprehensive during lessons
well no doubt will i find another 1 havin the same feelin as me. Shes Juz
Crazy man she have been havin PMS or....Attitude Problem lately and
makin life hard for us man Going to her for help is almost impossible
as we might not know when will she blow up again well at least ive got
Mr Guan to help me. i mean like F#$% that Bitch who she thinks she
is to blow up anytime she wants, show us at that crappy attitude of yrs
and scold us for showing her attitude back. i heck care wat long stories
she tells us and leaving the moral for us to figure ourselves out. some
stupid Crappy Mother Father Shit

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 @ 9:19 PM
ok Juz for today im Choosing to be totally randomo!

I LOVE FACEBOOK! I like Friendster!

well haha my love for facebook is sweeter than honey!

My love for my S.G is edge-ier than Les Paul

My love for Jesus is Grace-fuller than the Satanist!

ok so much for being random

Sunday, July 6, 2008 @ 6:51 PM
Perth Photo
